Gardening Safety Tips.
June 2, 2023

Gardening is a form of rewarding physical activity. It is a wonderful activity for the body and mind. When planting vegetables or fruits, the rewards are plentiful. However, with gardening comes great stress, injuries, and even bites. So there is a need to protect yourself when you garden outside with the appropriate tools and chemicals.

Here are some simple gardening safety tips for you to follow.

Wear gloves when working in your garden.

Even if you feel you are just going to engage in basic tasks like uprooting weeds, you should always wear gloves. A good pair of gloves will protect you from fertilizer, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals that can lead to skin irritation. Gloves can also help reduce blistering, skin damage, and finger damage. Even the smallest cut is at risk of developing into a severe infection. For quality protection, you should consider getting leather gloves, as they can protect you from thorns, insects, and bites.

You should only use tools and not your hands.

You should always use garden tools rather than use your hands. Besides, there are so many options to choose from. There may be sharp objects like glass or metal buried in the soil and they can hit you. If you have no tools around, you should clear the work area before using your hands.

Check your posture.

Always check your posture. Posture in this context does not only imply your body position but also the angle of your wrist. Your grip strength is heightened when your wrist is more relaxed. Studies have shown that people often lose their grip strength when their wrist is bent.

Use the appropriate tools for the job.

For every gardening task, there is a tool designated for it. Using the wrong tool for the job can sometimes be uncomfortable and result in a job poorly done. Other tips to follow are:

  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using each garden tool.
  • Keep sharp garden tools away from children and pets.
  • Always unplug electrical tools and keep them away from combustible materials.

Take a break every hour.

You should try to avoid doing the same activity continuously. Constant digging and gripping of garden tools can cause tendonitis in the wrists. To avoid elbow and wrist problems, you take regular breaks or switch to another activity. It is also helpful to include stretch sessions while gardening to reduce fatigue.

Use tools for unfamiliar land areas.

If you have never dug into a soil area before, you should always use a tool. This is to help prevent an accident.

Regular tool maintenance

If you only use your garden tools once in a while, you should regularly service them. This will keep them in proper working condition and reduce the physical effort needed to work on the garden.

Plan ahead.

You should use a basket to carry your garden supplies to your garden. You don’t want to find yourself going back and forth to your home because you forgot a tool. Having the supplies easily accessible can help reduce the risk of joint pain.